REGIONAL CONFERENCE. Prospects for the development of renewable energy will be discussed in Tajikistan


On June 24, a Regional Conference began under this name in Dushanbe (Hotel “Rumi”). The opening ceremony of the conference was attended by Daler Jumya, Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Kobiljon Khushvakhtzoda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Tajikistan York Schugraf, Permanent Representative of the UN Development Program in Tajikistan Lenny Montel, representatives of the European Union in Tajikistan, USAID in Tajikistan, experts from countries in the region, including Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

In his opening speech, Daler Jum’a welcomed those gathered to the summit and stated that the participation of high-level representatives of our friendly development partner states in the event represents the strengthening of mutual cooperation. Confidence was expressed that today’s event will play an important role in strengthening the fruitful dialogue between the countries of the region and development partners.

It was noted that in accordance with the national development strategy of Tajikistan for the period until 2030, it is necessary to increase electricity generation capacity to 10 GW, increase the volume of electricity exports to 10 billion kWh, reduce electricity losses to 10%, provide 10% of the existing capacities with other energy sources (solar, wind, etc.).

In the investment sector of the energy industry, since 2001, 36 investment projects have been implemented, attracting 2.7 billion US dollars, which were invested in the construction of new energy capacities, construction and reconstruction of other electric power facilities. Currently, another 18 investment projects worth $1.5 billion are being implemented. In order to achieve key industry goals by 2030, it is planned to implement a number of priority projects of local and regional importance, including large hydropower projects and the widespread use of renewable energy sources (solar and wind) with a capacity of at least 1,500 MW, added Daler Juma.

The Minister of Energy and Water Resources emphasized that annually about 98% of the country’s electricity generation comes from hydroelectric power plants. Along with the positive environmental and financial aspects of this indicator, it significantly increases the industry’s dependence on the volume of water flow in the country’s rivers and the weather situation in the context of climate change.

In this regard, and in order to fulfill one of the key indicators of the energy sector of the national development strategy of Tajikistan for the period until 2030, that is, the diversification of electricity production capacities from other sources, cooperation with development partners on the construction of solar power plants continues today.

Let us remind you that the regional conference entitled “Prospects for the development of energy generated from renewable sources in the Republic of Tajikistan” will last three days (June 24-26).

It should be noted that on the first day of the conference, three sessions were held – The current state of renewable energy development in Central Asia and current initiatives towards a green economy, Renewable energy development, status and problems in Central Asian countries, USAID Central Asian Energy Project: Strengthening technical and regulatory framework to increase investment in renewable energy in Tajikistan

The purpose of the conference is to promote the development of renewable energy sources, energy saving and energy efficiency, as well as to determine the mechanism for cross-border trade in electricity. In addition, the conference will contribute to an in-depth study of the experiences of Central Asian countries in assessing solar and wind resources, encouraging countries to develop their capacity in the production and use of renewable energy sources. The event will provide an opportunity to exchange scientific experiences and provide recommendations to intensify and strengthen efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and energy targets.